Friday, July 31, 2015

With a Brand New Toilet

Yes, we have a brand new toilet, to the tune of $$$. And we're back on the road, this time headed east. Not far. These first three nights we are staying at the Elks Lodge RV park in Willcox, AZ. Sunday we'll move to the Pancho Villa State Park in Columbus, NM.  Where is Columbus? Right on the border with Mexico. The big thing to do is usually to cross the border to the little town of Palomas to visit the Pink Store, and we will do that this time. Also, there are museums relating to the Army base that was in Columbus, ineffectively trying to capture the notorious Pancho Villa. We'll tell you about that when we get there.

From Columbus we plan to move around to other New Mexico State Parks and see what's nearby. We'll be out about three weeks, then go home to plan a couple of other trips to nearby festivals honoring both chili peppers and salsa!

For those who worried about my heart, all we can say is that we are convinced it was just a form of gastric distress, as the doctors weren't particularly worried. So, until next time along ... Our life on Wheels.


  1. Good news on the heart issue. Been to Pancho Villa in Columbus 3 times I think & we really liked going down to the Pink Store.

  2. Have fun and don't forget your free margarita at the PInk Store.

  3. Pancho Villa State Park is so nice. The people are really nice too. I am with Sandie...don't forget about your free margarita. There is really nothing else there except the Pink Store.
    Glad to hear the good news about your heart.

  4. Even though New Mexico parks are very reasonable, you might think about buying an annual pass.

    1. Jan, that annual pass was our first purchase in New Mexico!

  5. Just getting caught up on your blog. It's nice to see you're traveling again and your heart is still doing its job nicely! I guess you've decided not to make the trip to Idaho. Have fun, enjoy the area and we'll look forward to your next posting.

  6. Sure glad your heart is okay and you got the toilet taken care of. Sorry it cost more then you wanted. See you in the fall. Have fun.

  7. Glad all is well and you are getting out and about!!

  8. Pesky toilets!! I don't understand why there are SO expensive! Still I guess its because they are a must have item!

    I love that you can hit the road and pretty much travel as and when you like - I long to have this kind of lifestyle at some point in my life!

    Take care and keep an eye on your ticker!

    Lovella Cushman @ Perfection Plumbing


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