Sunday, June 12, 2011

What Happened to the LeRoys?

Four days ago we said we were headed to Yosemite National Park. After that -- silence!

We stopped for a couple of nights at the Jackson, CA, Elks Lodge - we could not get a strong enough Internet signal to even open Yahoo, and our phone didn't connect either. But we did get some good pictures of the Gold Country.

Now we are just outside Yosemite in a Thousand Trails Park near Groveland. Guess what -- no phone service at all, and the park's clubhouse has a very slow Internet connection.

We'll be writing some posts in Word, and when we have a bunch of time, we'll try to get them into Blogger with pictures.

In the meantime, hold a good thought for us. We are very uncomfortable being so out of contact, but at $0 a night for full hookups this close to Yosemite, we'll put up with the discomfort. We'll be here for two weeks or longer this time in ... Our Life on Wheels.


  1. Are you having "Internet Withdrawal"? I know I do when I have to be out of touch. But you are right, can't beat $0! I'll be looking forward to seeing your new posts when you get a good connection. Enjoy Yosemite!

  2. Have fun and check in when you can.

  3. I know just how you feel. I hate being without the internet but a lot of places Jim likes to fish don't have service. We're headed to Hell Creek next week and there is no service there at all. So I, too, will be out of touch for a week. But we'll catch up with each other when we all get back to civilization again.

  4. Isn't it something how we are all so dependent upon getting a good cell signal and/or internet signal. There are lots of places where a signal just isn't possible. That's what I figured happened to you and Suzy, but thank you for letting us know.

  5. Enjoy your free campsite. We can wait. :)

  6. Yosie yosie where is that Rosie.........:))

  7. Holding good thoughts for you! Love Yosemite, lots of good memories there. Enjoy it to the hilt!

  8. I was wondering where you guys had dissapeared to! When you come back to "internet life" you'll have to give us some extra-special photos to make up for the absence. Looking forward to them!


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