For dinner Thursday night, we were preparing a Chinese-type sweet and sour chicken (from a kit). We have a small kitchen (we call it a “one-butt kitchen”) and it was my turn to have my butt in the kitchen. My main job was to cut boneless chicken breasts into one-inch chunks and prepare them for cooking. Working on a plastic cutting sheet near the edge of the counter, my first movement was to throw all the chicken onto the floor. A quick rinse and a pat dry was all that was needed to get back into operation. Oh yes, I cleaned the floor, too.
Suzy was quick to remind me about Thanksgiving, 2006, I had done the same trick with the holiday turkey I was supposed to carve for dinner. Rinsing was not such a good idea with the turkey already roasted, but I managed to brush off most of the detritus.
The sweet and sour turned out quite good in spite of its travails. Maybe we should try that routine in more of our cooking. Don’t think it will work with omelets, though.
Friday was quiet, yet we got a lot done: the final laundry before our trip, the final bunch of filing and moving things, and repotting our herb garden in Miracle Grow Moisture Control. We are growing rosemary and oregano for Suzy’s excellent spaghetti sauce.
The crowning glory of Friday was dinner. Suzy made turkey enchiladas. She is a whiz at enchiladas, but this time there was a difference. We had bought red enchilada sauce instead of green. WOW! Spicy sauce, even when thinned with salsa and red wine.
My part of dinner was to make a salad (from a kit). I’m proud to say I didn’t drop anything on the floor. Oh, maybe a little crumble of feta cheese, but the rest of the salad stayed in its bowl on the counter.
We have come to a decision to leave Monday morning for our summer adventure. Why Monday? Why not? We have no schedule now until just before Memorial Day (you folks out there still working are allowed to feel just a little bit jealous at this point). Where is that appointment? At a nice RV Resort at Branson, Missouri, where we will spend a little time before beginning the six-day rally with our Winnebago-Itasca Travelers Club. The rally includes six major shows (with preferred seating), five group meals, and sightseeing.
The next appointment will be to join some friends we haven’t seen in many years, Wayne and Cynthia, who have a home right on the shore of Bull Shoals Lake, in northwest Arkansas. They found us a wonderful place to stay in their area, at Bull Shoals / White River State Park. It’s in a scenic part of the Ozark Mountains and yet close to their home, so we know we’ll have a great time.

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