Friday, April 10, 2009

Quick Update

This is just a quickie to let you know what’s happening.

First, the rat. The live trap set by the exterminator seemingly has failed. For the first three days, no action. During the third night our wind was so strong that it tripped the trap all by itself. In the meantime, one of our neighbors, hearing about our rat, brought some gopher bait and spooned it into the entryway. Since then, no sign of rat. I’ll plug the entry hole and see if there’s any action.

Secondly, the medical situation. My knee surgery (arthroscopic) is now scheduled for Monday morning at 10:00am. I get no food or drink from midnight, so I suspect we’ll have to have an 11:30pm snack! Suzy has an appointment with a new doctor (she’s actually quite an experienced doctor, but new to us!) next Friday. I’ll go with her, but Suzy will have to drive.

Here’s something we want to share with you. Our friend Nick Russell has started a new daily blog which we really enjoy following. It’s called Today’s Hero. The daily posts tell the stories of individuals who are the true heroes in our world, those who stand up and do what’s right, who stand up for others, whose life and actions inspire someone to call them special.

When Nick started the blog, he wrote the first few posts himself. Sometimes they got a little heart wrenching, but always inspiring. More recently, individuals have contributed stories, telling why they believe their father, their aunt, the neighbor next door, their spouse deserves to be considered a hero. These are the true heroes, not sports celebrities, not movie stars … you know, the people the TV and newspapers like to spout about.

We wouldn’t miss the Today’s Hero blog; we read it daily. Please check it out for yourself:  Click here. and if you are so inclined, make it a favorite for an every morning inspiration. It will only take a couple of minutes of your time If the link doesn’t work for you, the address is

See you later along … Our Life on Wheels.


  1. Hope all goes well with the medical issues!!

    Donna Daniel

  2. Good luck with the knee surgery! In support, we'll eat something at 11:30pm Sunday night too!

    Suzanne & Brad

  3. Good Luck on the Surgery!!!! Eat a BIG snack!! Lack of morning COFFEE is what KILLS me!!!

    keep us posted...

    Mike (&Pat)

  4. Hey guys thanks for coming by to visit me... I had that knee surgery about 4 years ago and it was a huge success... It did take a while for me to recover but once I did there was no holding me back☺☺☺. I know every time I post about some of our past trips I want to be there again... We won't be leaving Florida till July 1st because my daughter is getting married but we will be on the road for a year and a half then... Wishing you the best with your surgery...



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